LOCUS is the studio of artist Ann Rosenthal and a green creative commons where art, ecology, and community meet. Ann offers a space in the Bloomfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh in which to explore, imagine and transform our relationship to the living beings and systems populating planet earth. LOCUS is open to creative practitioners of all disciplines in the belief that through collective engagement, sustainable solutions will emerge.
LOCUS has no set programming but responds to the demands of Ann's art practice and the needs of the community. LOCUS hosts group and individual classes and workshops, gatherings, and exhibitions. Studio space may also be availble.
LOCUS is dedicated to Ann's late partner, Stephen Moore who was a conceptual artist and had a passion for directing experimental gallery spaces. LOCUS was a storefront space he initiated in Los Angeles in the early 1980s. Ann claimed LOCUS as her own to honor and thank Stephen for sharing his vision of art with her and for gifting her with the wonderful space in the Bloomfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh that she now shares with you.
Photos (top to bottom): Sustaining Systems exhibition for the Americans for the Arts 2012 Conference; the LOCUS building; Mixed Media and Collage class Ann taught at LOCUS through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute - collagraph printmaking discussion and demo.